Recanto da Galé by Portugalferias is located in Galé - Albufeira, just 1.1 km from Praia da Balbina. Clients can enjoy an outdoor swimming pool and free WiFi, as well as a shared barbecue area. It comprises apartments equipped with air conditioning, living room, equipped kitchenette, bathroom and balcony overlooking the pool. No pets allowed Upon check-in, guests are required to show the ID. Please inform in advance of your arrival time. Check-ins after 19hrs have an additional cost of 20.00Eur, paid in cash at check-in. Check-in time is between 4pm and 7pm. Check-out time is until 10 am (Leave the keys inside the room/apartment and close the door) Check-ins are not accepted after 24hrs Check-in contact: 00351 937 131 272