Kinlay Hostel Galway is a perfect base from which to explore the West's famous attractions such as the landscapes of Connemara, Cliffs of Moher, the Burren and the world famous Aran Islands. Kinlay Hostel is the ideal place to stay if you are looking for quality budget accommodation in Ireland. Our Galway hostel is a perfect base to explore all of Galway city's famous attractions which are located on our doorstep, see ‘Things to do in Ireland' We also specialise in group bookings and one of our group booking co-ordinators will take care of your booking from beginning to end. Tours can be arranged in house from the hostel reception to world famous locations such as Connemara, Aran Islands, Cliffs of Moher and the Burren. All daily bus tours and Aran Islands shuttle depart from right outside the hostel every single day at 9.30am.