Discover Exclusive Boutique Hotel and enjoy a modern and innovative atmosphere. Staying in their facilities is a unique and unbeatable experience. Our 5 stars hotel, apart from being exclusive, has one of the best restaurants in Buzios. The design, the details and generosity in its spaces and an unparalleled service make of Exclusive Boutique Hotel your ideal place to stay. An architectural proposal that combines avant-garde and exclusivity, expressed in its 20 rooms surrounded by nature and an amazing view. Rest with all the comforts of a luxury hotel. Exclusive Bistrô Delight at any time with its extensive menu that fuses ingredients and flavors to taste, allowing a personalized experience and differentiated at all times. By staying with us you will find a combination of tranquility and sophistication in one place. Member of the Latitud Hotels chain, recognized for the kindness and excellence in its services; owner of 7 establishments in Buzios, highlighted by its excellent location