Zarha is located in Sürmene, Trabzon which is 45 minutes to Trabzon Airport, 750 meters above of the sea and built on plant about 60 acres with full of pine trees. Zarha Hotel Facilities are as follows; Four star hotel with 61 rooms including two suites and two family suites for crowded guests.Turkish bath ‘'hamam'', sauna, SPA services and a well equipted GYM area.Open area restaurant with a full of sea view called ‘'Cammelia'' including hookah cafe with 200 guests capacity.Main restaurant with 250 guests capacity.Authentic restaurant with 150 guests capacity including entertainments. A meeting room with 50 guests capacity.Swimming pool for adults Swimming pool for children.Live music performance with dance shows.Horse farm with little horses for riding.ATV and bycle cycling areas.Small basketball field.Small football field.Playgarden for children.Fun fair for chidren.Walking paths.Mes