The Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort & Spa (Xishuangbanna Aannatala Dujia Jiudian) is a luxurious resort hotel situated by the Luosuo River and close to the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and Chinese Academy of Sciences. About a 50-minute drive takes guests to the Xishuangbanna Gasa International Airport. This five-star hotel offers accommodations ranging from rooms with garden and river views to villas with a pool. Restaurants at this Xishuangbanna hotel offer a variety of dishes for guests to choose from. Mekong mainly serves Chinese and Thai cuisines. The Manfeilong offers an Asian and Western flavors. The Dai Lounge is a nice venue to enjoy drinks and light snacks.To unwind, guests can head to the on-site spa or socialize at the Lotus Lounge. Children aged 3-12 may enjoy themselves at the Kids' Club and teenagers may spend some time at Teen's Center. 酒店位于傣族自治州勐腊县勐仑镇,临近西双版纳热带植物园。植物园是5A级旅游景区,有野象谷、曼飞龙白塔、橄榄坝、基诺山和望天树等20多处4A级景区。 酒店有豪华房以及23栋泳池别墅,豪华房带有54平方的独立露台;别墅内的室外恒温泳池面积最小为24平方米。 您可在特色餐厅吃到地道的傣族或东南亚美食以及高档的西式佳肴,也可在泳池畔小憩,品尝各种啤酒、红酒和鸡尾酒,消磨时光。 酒店有无边际泳池、户外恒温江边小温泉泳池,一边泡下一边欣赏和呼吸清新的空气。儿童活动中心、图书室、乒乓球、桌球和各种棋类会让小朋友玩的不亦乐乎。 在业内屡获殊荣的安纳塔拉水疗依水而建,香薰和普洱茶油精华被运用在安纳塔拉水疗护理中,在这里进行理疗,可让你的肌肤重现光采。