The ESTRELA DO MAR inn is located in VILA FLORESTA NOVA. It has 9 apartments in total, 5 of which are STD Bungalows capable of accommodating a maximum of THREE people per apartment, and 4 SUP Bungalows with the capacity to accommodate a maximum of FOUR people per apartment (1 double bed and 2 single beds. Complimentary breakfast - held in our cafeteria (check opening hours at the inn's reception) Wi-fi- is a courtesy provided by the hotel. Even with this service, the connection to the island is not good, and there may be a connection failure or low connection. We suggest to customers who will go to Noronha, keep their phones with their mobile data. Hairdryer and iron - in all inns, 1 dryer and 1 iron, which is at the reception, just request and deliver after use. Our voltage 220V Check-in/Checkout 1400h/1200h