Standard 3 Star Beach Hotel with air-conditioned à la carte restaurant, free and closed rotating parking (subject to availability), swimming pool and wireless internet. In addition to the viewpoint with a privileged view of the Orla de Atalaia. We also have a Meeting Room and Auditorium. Located in front of the beach at Orla de Atalaia, close to Arcos and the main bars and restaurants, 500 meters from Passarela do Caranguejo, 800 meters from Oceanário, 900 meters from Praça de Eventos, 3.6 km from the Airport, 6.5 km from the shopping malls, 7.4 km from the Aracaju Convention Center and the Tobias Barreto Theater, 11 km from the city center and the Municipal Market, and 14 km from Rodoviária Nova.