Come stay at this Best Western Saskatoon hotel, located on the west side of the city. This Saskatoon hotel has everything you need for a "can't wait to go back" stay. This Saskatoon hotel doesn't just have a pool - it has a pool and waterslide. Kids of all ages are happy to find a splash of a good time. Keep up with your fitness routine in our fully equipped fitness center. Of course, our famous complimentary hot breakfast doesn't hurt either. This clean property delivers family friendly fun without losing the tranquility and privacy you need. Dig in daily to a buffet spread of sizzling eggs, steaming waffles, and fruits, and an assortment of cereal and yogurt. Complement your meal with fresh coffee and a selection of juices. Location is everything, which is why this Saskatoon hotel is close to the Shaw Center. Whether you're in town for an exhibition or a big sporting event, don't worry about traveling far or getting stuck in gridlock. The Best Western in Saskatoon has you covered with prime real estate and quality service. What more can you ask for in a Saskatoon hotel? There are many hotels in Saskatoon but only one has these kinds of benefits and world class service. Traveling for business or leisure can be easy and enjoyable when you're staying at the right place. Construction workers, airline crews, company executives, and sports teams all call this their home away from home. Remember that a great stay doesn't have to be expensive or a hassle to book. When you're looking for a friendly welcome, contemporary style and an endless stream of hot breakfasts, the choice is easy. It's all about being in the know and understanding exactly what you want and deserve. Reserve your next stay with the Best Western Blairmore for the easiest, most enjoyable trip you've ever taken! Welcome to Best Western.